Spatial comparisons predict matches
Quantitative Studies in Retinex Theory: A Comparison between Theoretical Predictions and Observer Responses to the “Color Mondrian”
J. J. McCann, S. P. McKee and T. H. Taylor, “Quantitative Studies in Retinex Theory: A Comparison between Theoretical Predictions and Observer Responses to the “Color Mondrian” Experiments, Vision Res., 16, 445-458, 1978.
Land’s Color Mondrian experiments showed that a single wavelength-radiance distribution falling on a point on the retina can generate nearly any color sensation. In Part I we repeated that experiment. quantifying the color sensations for each of the many Mondrian areas. In Part II we show that each area‘s color sensation correlates with a triplet of reflectances measured with photodetectors having the same spectral sensitivities as the cone pigments in the eye. This result provides a description of what the visual system does. but it does not provide a mechanism for how the visual system can do it because the reflectance measurements required the use of a reflectance standard and unchanging illumination. In Part III we describe a model for color sensations that computes three reflectances from the wavelength-radiance distribution without reflectance or illumination standards: hence. it is able to predict the color sensations seen by the observer. The model is able to predict gray. red. yellow. green and blue sensations associated with areas that send identical wave-length-radiance distributions to the eye.
Lessons Learned from Mondrians Applied to
Real Images and Color Gamuts
J.J. McCann, “Lessons Learned from Mondrians Applied to Real Images and Color Gamuts”, Proc. IS&T/SID Seventh Color Imaging Conference, pp. 1-8, (1999).
The Retinex Theory of Color Vision
E. H. Land,“The Retinex Theory of Color Vision”, Scientific Am., 237, December,108-128, 1977.
Human Color Perception
J. J. McCann, "Human Color Perception" in Color Theory and Imaging Systems,
Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers, R. Eynard, ed, Washington,
1-23, 1973.