Experiments with Complex Images
Experiments with Complex Images
Experiments using computer generated visual targets
These papers describe very early experiments using computer generated images.
The papers also emphasize the importance of the questions posed to observers. The fine-arts painter question is to ask the observer to mix two paints that looks like the the two sides of the float. Here observers select a light, slightly yellow color for the right face, and a darker bluer color for the left face. The house painter question is to select the color paint color currently on the float. Here, observers recognize that both faces are painted white. Two very different answers to two slightly different questions.
J. J. McCann and K. L. Houston,
“Color Sensation, Color Perception and Mathematical Models of Color Vision,”
in: Colour Vision , J. D. Mollon, and L.T. Sharpe, ed. ,
Academic Press, London, 535-544, 1983.
J. J. McCann and K. L. Houston,
“Calculating color sensation from arrays of physical stimuli,
” IEEE SMC-13, 1000-1007 1983.
J. McCann,
“Calculated Color Sensations Applied to Image Reproduction”
In Proc. SPIE Vol. 901, Electronic Imaging;
G. W. Hughes, P.E. Mantey, B. E. Rogowitz, Los Angeles, p. 205-213, 1988.